The Galapagos Islands - Missing sentence parts

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More and more rare species are being threatened by tourism on the Galapagos Islands. Among them are lizards, birds and other animals . Most of them are killed by the growing number of cars and buses that cross the highlands. Especially finches, birds that helped Charles Darwin prove his the theory of evolution, dying out completely.

The Galapagos, volcanic islands in the Pacific, about a thousand km off the coast of Ecuador, represent a whole ecosystem with animals and plants on earth. UNESCO made the islands a World Heritage Site. However, the islands by environmental changes. Coastlines and harbors show signs of oily water as boatloads of tourists arrive there. Towns have hotels . And ecologists complain about dirty, contaminated ground water, because the sewers are leaky.

The Galapagos Islands have witnessed an economic boom . About 40,000 people live in richest place in Ecuador where wages are almost 70% higher . Although Ecuadorian authorities restrict immigration to the islands many go there in search of a new life. With them arrive new species of ants and insects. They also bring along dogs, cats, rats and other animals the natural ecosystem of the islands.

What started out as ecotourism with only a few thousand people visiting the Galapagos Islands every year . Today almost 200,000 tourists come to the islands annually. However, they are not so much interested in biology or wildlife in an exotic place.
Most tourists book package cruise tours to the islands. The average cost of a week-long trip including flights to Ecuador is about 3000 dollars, not a very cheap vacation destination.

The fight to save the endangered islands has long been underway. Even though the Galapagos Islands with money from environmentalist organizations, local people do not always know how to use it. The government has also realized the islands because tourism is a big source of income to the poor Latin American country.

Albatross on Galapagos island
Image : putneymark, CC BY-SA 2.0,
via Wikimedia Commons