Life in Ancient Rome - Missing Word Cloze

   arranged      chariot     chores      citizens      crops      honour      household     influence      latifundium      leisure     loose      luxurious      male      overcrowded      public      rights      servants      silk      social      stadiums      stola      track   
Complete the sentences with words from the box. There are THREE words you will not need.

Wealthy Romans could afford houses on the outskirts of the city, far away from the smell and noise of the centre. They had slaves and to do the work for them. The poor population had to live in houses or dirty buildings. Farmers in the countryside owned a large farm or , where they raised animals and planted . During the summer months they fought in the army.

The oldest was the head of the Roman family. He made decisions and had power over family members. Wealthy Romans marriages for their children, so that they could stay in higher classes and keep their and power. At first, women had few in Rome. They were not allowed to own land and had to care for their children and do household . When Rome became an empire the situation of women changed. They could even open up their own businesses and were able to buy land.

Roman wore tunics, pieces of clothing that fell down to the knees. Women often wore a , a long dress that almost reached to the floor. Rich citizens could afford to buy clothes made out of and linen.

Many Romans spent their leisure time in baths. There they could relax, have a chat or get a massage. People of all classes got together in such a place, although there were separate baths for men and women. They also celebrated holidays in of their gods and goddesses. Entertainment was offered in modern . The largest one, the Coliseum , had room for over 50,000 spectators. Gladiators fought against wild animals or slaves. Chariot races were held at the Circus Maximus, a long, oval race .