Native Americans - Crossword
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1. ceremony where people thank God for the food he has given them 3. family member who lived a long time ago 5. to pray to a spirit or God 7. Indian tent made out of animal skin 10. an object that makes noise when you shake it 11. an animal like a cow, but with long, curved horns 12. tall plant with large yellow seeds; it is cooked to eat or feed animals 14. group of people who have the same way of life and the same language; they are ruled by a chief 18. skin of an animal 19. area of land that the US kept separate for Native Americans to live on 20. something that has no body, but people think it exists
2. a person from Spain 4. to change your religion 6. someone who goes to live in a place where not many people have lived before 8. Indian tribe of the American Southwest 9. large vegetable that looks like a pumpkin 12. place in North America where gold was found in the middle of the 19th century 13. small carpet 15. native inhabitants of the Arctic and Subarctic region 16. person who travels to unknown places to find out more about them 17. large animal that eats fish and lives around the coast