Mosques - Crossword
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1. country that finances the construction of Mosques in other countries (2 words) 3. holy city to which Muslims must face when they pray 5. place where you can borrow books for a certain time 6. open space in the middle of a large building 8. to change your religion 9. religious leader or priest 10. city in which the first mosque was built 12. to talk about a religious subject in a place where many people meet
2. the ninth month of the Muslim year, during which Muslims do not eat or drink during the daytime 3. tall, thin tower, usually at the corner of a mosque 4. to show your respect and love for God 6. woven material that covers floors 7. round roof on a building 8. a hundred years 10. niche in the wall that points to Mecca 11. give money to someone who needs it