World of Mammals - Missing Words 2

Missing Words

Fill in the missing words from the box. There are more words than you will need.
   backbone      digestive      extinct      hearing      hibernate      hoofs      limbs      marsupial      migrate      nervous      omnivores      platypus      reproduce      senses      sight      tail   

The is a mammal that lays eggs.

Mammals have five that tell them what is happening in the world around them.

Some mammals have horns, claws and .

Mammals swallow food and chew it before it gets into the system.

The allows a mammal to walk.

Kangaroos hop around and use their for balancing.

Bats have a poorly developed sense of .

The wooly mammoth is a mammal that became during the Ice Age.

, like humans, are mammals that eat plants and meat.

Mammals when male sperm connects with a female egg.

Many mammals to other places at different times of the year.