India's Economy - Multiple Choice Cloze

Complete the text with the correct words and phrases for each blank !

Even though India is one of the largest country's in the world, most of its people still live in . Half of the country's population depends on to make a living. Thanks to the Green Revolution of the 1960s, India can produce enough food for its growing population. Fertilizers and systems have improved the quality and quantity of . Although cows are animals they still are used to transport items and plough fields.

India has a vast amount of raw materials, above all coal and ore. These are the basis for the steel industry, which produces cars, ships and other goods. The industry dates back to the British occupation of India.

In the past decades the sector has expanded rapidly. It has brought forward millions of experts who are by companies around the world. In addition, it has become the world capital of centres.

Transportation relies on India's -owned railway system. The British built it in the 19th century to bring raw materials to the so that they could be transported to England. Today it is about the only method of transport people can .

Almost three quarters of India's energy comes from fossil . Not even the Fukushima reactor disaster has stopped India from its nuclear power programme. But as the population is still growing, energy experts are not sure that the country can keep up the production of .

Indian coal mine, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons