The Cold War - Crossword
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1. name for the American and Soviet fight to be number one in space and reach the moon (2 words) 3. border between the free and Communist part of Europe (2 words) 5. Communist island in the Caribbean Sea 8. line between two countries or areas 9. someone who wants their country to stay freeand not be ruled by others 10. Western military organisation 12. German city that was divided into four sections 14. first Communist leader of China 16. to bring supplies to people by plane 17. country that agrees to help you during a war or conflict
1. most powerful Communist country during the Cold War (2 words) 2. Communist, but bloc-free country during the Cold War 4. remove someone from power 6. Soviet leader who wanted to open up the Soviet Union to the west and give people more rights (last name) 7. piece of land surrounded by water on three sides 11. something used to attack your enemies in a war 13. country in southeast Asia that was divided into a Communist North and a free South 15. to enter a place with an army and stay there for a longer period of time.