Facts about Australia

Choose the correct word or phrases to make these sentences true !

  1. Australia lies 3,000 km from the mainland of .
  2. Australia was once a prison colony.
  3. The Great Dividing Range is made up of .
  4. The Western Plateau consists of large .
  5. The southern and southeastern parts of Australia have .
  6. More than 80% of the population live in the .
  7. Most of Australia's famous animals are .
  8. The main crop in Australia is .
  9. The 2000 Olympic Games were held in .
  10. was the first capital of Australia until 1927.
  11. The largest city in Western Australia is .
  12. Alice Springs lies of Austrailia
  13. Bush fires lead to a shortage of .
  14. is made out of bauxite