East Africa hit by drought - Multiple Choice Cloze


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East Africa has been by the worst drought in over 60 years. More than 10 million people are in of starving in Ethiopia, Somalia, Kenya and Djibouti.

The last ten years in the Horn of Africa have been dry with droughts coming more often than usual. The rainy season in eastern Africa is normally between November and December and then again in spring but this year seasonal rain has not come. In addition to climate change food prices in the region have gone up because of the of food.

The impact of the drought is worst in Somalia because of the conflict in the country and a government that does not control the whole country. Rebel groups are making it very difficult for workers to get food to Somalia. Hundreds of thousands are the country and seeking refuge in the world’s biggest refugee camp in neighboring Kenya.

In Ethiopia the situation is better than in Somalia. Although many people live in and the amount of farming land has gone down the government has provided money to buy medicine and health standards .

Especially children are by the drought. Over two million children in the region do not have enough to eat. Child mortality is very high so that thousands of children die every day.

Climate experts that the situation will get even worse. The coming months will become especially dry before the next rainy season comes. The problem that the population in the Horn of Africa faces is not only the lack of rain but the time it arrives. Farmers plant their crops and expect it to rain at a time. If it doesn’t they have no crops and no food with not enough money to buy any.

Without help from around the world millions of people may starve to . Aid agencies from are delivering food, clean water and medical to the countries hit hardest by the drought in Eastern Africa.